Hello! you probably clicked since your wanting to know my boundaries, stuff that makes me uncomfortable or anything that upsets me really! and i'll go right ahead ofc!1

first off, please do never send me g0r3/v0r3 or N5FW or your S3LF H4RM please! I do not want to see that, even if your a close friend or a not, i will be uncomfortable and will unfriend/block you

Flirting is allowed! just don't make it 53xual, I will be very uncomfortable otherwise!


If there ever is an argument or a fight that happend either i was involved or anything! please be understanding when i am monotone or quiet, that happens whenever stressed or either busy, you can ask if i'm stressed or just busy encase unsure!

i have selective mutism, so please don't force me to talk to anyone new! i will if i feel like i consider them a trusted friend /LH

i deal with autism! and maybe ADHD too, (having suspicions that i may have ADHD)

and oh! i may have allowed anyone to do any nickname or name to give, but please don't make it offensive! and i know i have open DM'S, but that does not give any right to any person to go in and start posting whatever you want, that most likely will result in me blocking you, sorry!! /LH

(if it something harmless as posting something funny or to talk, then go ahead! but think what you post! )

NOTE : my current pronouns is He/him or it/its or they/them! do not call me by she/her pronouns, even if your close, i do not allow being called by she/her

A small list of the pronouns!

Pik/pikmin/piks/pikmins/pikself ^_^

You do not have to call me by those pronouns! you can still use He/him or they/them, i don't mind what you use! just please be respectful and don't start sending me any Homophobic or Neophobic type of stuff please!

 i will just block you in the end, of course you can talk to me about it! i am still discovering about myself!

SO COOL!1 ^_^


 << Ask if you feel as if something in the DNI didn't make sense!

You will be anonymous ofc!!

Take your time reading! no rush!